Have you ever wondered about the different ways children learn? For instance, some children are good listeners and have good organizational skills while other children have trouble listening and appear disorganized, but they learn best through visualizing the material and have their own way of organizing their world. Traditional classrooms tend to favor the good listener/sequential (organized) learner, but students who do not fit that learning style tend to miss the learning moments and may exhibit problematic behaviors in the classroom (i.e. daydreaming/not paying attention, disorganized, etc.).
Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist who has been studying learning differences for over 40 years, is a noted author, researcher and popular international speaker. She has compiled a chart of information describing the difference between an auditory-sequential learner and a visual-spatial learner. Please follow the link to her website for a close look at her informative chart: http://visualspatial.org/vslasl.php