We Recommend Educational Psychologist David Palmer, Ph.D.
for your Gate Assessment and IQ Testing Needs
David Palmer, Ph.D.
Licensed Educational Psychologist (California BBSE Lic. # 2193)
Laguna Beach, CA
Dr. David Palmer of Palmer Learning, located in Orange County, California, is a recognized specialist in IQ testing and interpretation for the educational planning of students starting with preschool and up. He has administered hundreds of IQ tests to children of all ability levels. In addition to his practice as a Licensed Educational Psychologist, Dr. Palmer is a parent; award winning researcher in the field of gifted education with special regard to exceptional children; author of Parents’ Guide to IQ Testing and Gifted Education; Assistant Professor and Lecturer at a number of universities in the Los Angeles area; and has provided expert assessment and advice to guide parents in selecting appropriate educational options.
At Accelerated Academics, we recognize excellence in serving gifted and talented students and, therefore, highly recommend and endorse Dr. David Palmer. He is an expert with regard to the identification of multiple levels of intellectual giftedness and the interpretation of assessments, thereby helping families plan their child’s educational pathway.
The results of our collaboration on assessment and educational planning is for the benefit of the gifted students we both serve.
"Some bright or gifted kids can reach their full potential in a regular school program - but some need a different kind of learning experience to blossom.” --- Dr. David Palmer
For more information on the importance of GATE assessments and IQ testing, please access Dr. Palmer’s website at www.palmerlearning.com.
You may also contact Dr. Palmer by email or phone to make an appointment at dave@palmerlearning.com (preferred) or by phone at (949) 892-9805 or (562) 743-9520.