Accelerated Academics Featured in FINE Magazine's September 2016 Edition

The faculty and staff at Accelerated Academics would like to let our friends and family know that the September 1st issue of FINE Magazine (the Education Issue), published in Del Mar, CA by the FINE Media Group, contains a feature article about our school written by Thea Carney titled, "At-Home Learning." We ask that you share this article with your friends, family, and others whom you believe might like to explore the idea of students in grades K-12 learning in the comfort of their own homes at a pace tailored for their educational goals and lifestyles.

Our full-page feature article is located on page 46. We are also mentioned in an additional article titled, "In Lieu of Public: Alternative Education Options Around San Diego" located at the bottom left of page 42. Please follow the FINE Magazine link below:

FINE Magazine