Teacher, Kyla Fields

Kyla Fields, B.S., Math Specialist, National Board Certification

Kyla Fields earned her Bachelor of Science degree with a specialty in Math from the University of Iowa and has obtained teaching credentials in both Oregon and California. She has attained to a level of excellence to her craft, due to life-long learning (ie. National Board Certification, UCLA Math Project member, Williamsburg, VA History Cohort, various Science trainings from CSIN to NGSS to Robotics). Her passion has led to various leadership roles (ie. Rio School District Science Mentor, Master teacher for Student Teachers, Math instructional Methods instructor for colleagues as a LAUSD/LUCI instructor, presenter at state/county level Math & History conferences). The above roles have uniquely equipped her to be aware of & to meet many diverse student needs. Mrs. Fields has worked with diverse populations-many cultures, languages & socioeconomic levels. She has taught Second Language Learners for more than 28 years. She has extensive experience teaching all levels from far below grade level to more than 15 years working with identified Gifted and Talented students.

In addition to training in gifted education, Mrs. Fields has received teacher training and many years of daily experience working with Twice-Exceptional (2E) students (gifted with special needs) including ADD, ADHD, Autism, and other learning disabilities.

Mrs. Field describes her teaching style as “one of providing the level of structure needed for academic success, while aiming for a fun atmosphere.” Many of the notes she has received from students over the years refer to her being very helpful & funny. She believes if students are having fun & laughing, they will want to learn.


“Keeping a child who can do sixth-grade work in a second-grade classroom is not saving that student's childhood but is instead robbing that child of the desire to learn.” – Ellen Winner, Gifted Children: Myths and Realities

As a teacher with Accelerated Academics, I do the following:

  • Develop and implement differentiated core curriculum for the Personalized Education Plans (PEP) of high ability students

  • Create an engaging and fun learning environment where students feel safe to express ideas and take risks

  • Integrate and blend cross-curricular lessons and themes

  • Meet the educational needs of diverse learners

  • Enrich students with STEM content - especially math and science subjects